Thursday, June 3, 2010

Nugget of Wisdom: Love Resistant

Firefighters will wear fire resist clothing in order to protect them from environments that could harm them. If they didn't sense potential danger there would be no need for the bulky clothes they wear. The bulkiness of the material helps to keep the fire away from their flesh.

Many of us are love fighters not fire fighters. We treat love like a fire. There are parts of us that resist love, because, while it is the truest form of security, it leaves us the most vulnerable. So, to keep from being hurt we will wear bulky personalities that are able to keep the fire of love at a distance from our flesh, our hearts. In turn, it makes us just that--distant. I know you have been hurt before, but in order to be more like God we must fight our own nature that wants us to resist love. Remember: God is love, so, ultimately, when we resist love, we resist God.

In Love,

Byron Jamal

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Greatest Love of All

This is a wonderful song that truly inspires! Today, remember the greatest love of all.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Excerpt from Unloveable: What Makes Me Unloveable?

I awaken to darkness, and I write. I don’t write because I want to or have been given some instruction to do so. I am simply writing because I can see. In fact, I feel I am one of the few left who actually see with their true eyes—the eyes of love. Many of us see through some lens of hatred, whether for self or others, because there is something about us that is different. Far too often, difference is seen as deficiency. Our unique divinity is divided with demarcations, boxes and bubbles, forcing us to split ourselves to “fit in” when we are an original design. Whatever stays inside the neat lines we create “fits in,” and it is warmly received with our love. However, the original parts of us that won’t be suppressed and dare to cross our self-constructed lines are seen as unloveable.

So, I cry each night, longing for a world that won’t hate so much what it doesn’t understand. It’s as pointless as hating another planet, because we don’t know what’s on it. It’s like hating heat, because we can’t examine the sun’s core. I cry, knowing that my brothers and sisters—of all colors, creeds and compositions—and I lose control of fragments of our humanity when we are infected by the viral surge of hate. Often, we are infected unaware, driven by its procreator, fear—and offspring—judgment and unforgiveness.

-Excerpt from Unloveable by Byron Jamal

Friday, April 30, 2010

Excerpt from Unloveable: A Stripper Goes to Church


We pull up to this stadium called a church.  I swear there are more parking spaces here than the basketball arena downtown.  It is so big they have police officers and parking attendants directing traffic.  There are even letters on the scattered light poles so you can remember where you parked.  I look at Nahlia, “Are you sure we are going to a church?”
“Mom, stop being silly.”  The attendant directs us down row five of section ‘L.’  As we drive around, I notice all kinds of cars: Range Rovers, Maseratis, Hondas and hoopties.  Most of the expensive cars are parked in reserved spaces.  “Mom, you’ve driven most of these cars.”  There is so much I could say that nothing comes out.  I just join her in laughter.  We park in the last spot at the end of the row.
As I slam the rusty door shut, Nahlia says, “See, mom, we are dressed just fine for church.”  She is right.  The woman pushing the stroller is about Nahlia’s height and looks like she might be just a few years older.  Her miniskirt has so much thigh showing that I could have worn it on stage any night.  I just moan to myself, as I take Nahlia’s hand and grip it tightly.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Nugget of Wisdom: Purposed to Soar

Orville and Wilbur, known as the Wright brothers, created the world's first successful airplane.  They did research, made the plans, bought the material and, finally, built it.  Now, all that was left was to fly.  Out of all the things they did up until then, the only dangerous part was flying.

Planes are safest on land, but they were made for the sky.  Don’t let fear keep you grounded when your purpose is to fly.  God's intent for your design and creation is for you to takeoff and soar!

Taking off,

Byron Jamal

Monday, April 12, 2010

Nugget of Wisdom: Love's Armorbearer

In the Bible, Kings and generals have officers, known as armorbearers, serving them. These officers are selected because of their bravery to bear their leader's armor and to stand by them in dangerous situations.  They would be willing to risk everything to ensure that their leader survived.

I say to you very simply today...Be Love's Armorbearer!  Far too often we allow Love to be battered on the battlefield of life.  We should take a stand against all of Love's opposition and fight back against those who attacks its existence with words or deeds of bitter hatred.  Let Love Live.  Wherever you go (work, church, home) YOU have the power.

Serving Love,

Byron Jamal

Monday, April 5, 2010

Nugget of Wisdom: How to Appreciate God

A rich man went on a quest to find the most elaborate gift for God.  While traveling through mountains, deserts, oceans and forests, he finally comes across an old woman who inquires why he looks so frail.  When he tells here about his quest, she says, "The one who gives a gift for the child blesses the parent."

The simplest way to appreciate all of God is by appreciating all of God’s creations. The more you can appreciate and love the diversity of others, the more you can appreciate and love the mysterious diversity of God.

Appreciating you,

Byron Jamal

Monday, March 29, 2010

Keep Moving Forward

CONSISTENT steps in the RIGHT direction are what make the difference between failure and success. Even if they are slow steps, painful steps, even hesitant steps...just keep moving forward. Your destiny awaits!

Nugget of Wisdom: Hopeful When Helpless

Two sheep were separated from the flock while traveling through the woods.  Unsure of which way to go to rejoin the others, the two sheep must determine what to do next.  The larger sheep says, "We're helpless out here.  We might as well decide what we will do until we die."  The smaller sheep says, "We're not helpless.  We just need to survive until the Shepherd comes for us."

Just because you feel helpless doesn’t mean you should feel hopeless.  There’s always hope even if you can’t see the help.  You may feel like a defenseless sheep in your situation, but remember that God is a Shepherd who always returns for the lost sheep.  So, don't lose hope in your crisis; the Shepherd is coming.


Byron Jamal

Monday, March 22, 2010

Nugget of Wisdom: The Certainty of Success

Nelson Mandela was an anti-apartheid activist, which led to his 27 years in prison.  After his release, he worked toward the reconciliation that helped lead the transition toward multi-racial democracy in South Africa.  Four years later, he is serving five years as the first South-African president to be elected in a fully representative democratic election.

This underscores the truth that success is not relegated by how many wins you have under your belt; it is mandated by purpose and secured by destiny. Stopping is the only way you can’t succeed.  Don't quit!  Your success is certain.

Certain of Success,

Byron Jamal

Monday, March 15, 2010

Nugget of Wisdom: Just Love Me

Truth can be a powerful tool or a dangerous weapon, because it is often based on one's perception of their reality.  The argument of truth was used to both support slavery and the free the slaves.  A man's truth led to the sexism; a woman's truth pointed to feminism. 

These and other interpretations of supposed "truth" occur every day.  They lead to many of our disagreements and misunderstandings.  In dealing with others remember that you cannot demand that someone change what they believe to be true or false.  You can only demand that they love you despite their belief.

Loving in spite of,

Byron Jamal

Monday, March 8, 2010

Nugget of Wisdom: Overcoming the Discouragement of the Present

On his way to a party, a man passes by a homeless boy who looks hungry.  He stops and asks the boy if he would like to come to the party as his guest; however, the boy, feeling his attire wouldn't fit the occasion, rejects the man's offer.

We can allow our pasts to hinder our progress.  Like this boy, dirt and all other forms of defilement can make us feel hesitant to attain what is purposed for us.  You could be like the prodigal son, sitting in the pig pen of your life, but don't let where you are discourage you from looking toward where you’re going.  Get up and believe that where you are is necessary for the place you're about to walk into.


Byron Jamal

Monday, March 1, 2010

Nugget of Wisdom: Look Both Ways

When I was first learning to drive and approached my first intersection, the driving instructor told me to look left, right and then left again.  I asked why do I look left twice and right only once?  He said, "You are going to get hit by the car that's left far more often than the one that's right.  So, you need to look out for what's left more often so you are safe."

Crossing the street can be much like our relationships, we are more prone to encounter what is left than what is right. Make sure that in the process of finding the right people to interact with you don't settle for the ones that are left.  Look both ways, but look left more to avoid preventable injuries.


Byron Jamal

Monday, February 22, 2010

Nugget of Wisdom: The Significance of Scars

I still have a scar under my lip from a childhood accident.  I used to let my facial hair grow over it to hide it, because I didn't want people to see my scar.  As I matured, I realized that the scar that I once wanted to hide was better than the pain of an open wound.  I've been hurt many times, but my life changed when I learned to stop being wounded and accept the scar.

Many of us, due to familiarity, would rather maintain old wounds than receive new scars.  We will stay in situations where we are wounded repeatedly instead of walking away so the scar can form.  A scar may not be attractive but at least it signifies closure.  So, thank God for scars!  They are indicators of your ability to survive and move on.


Byron Jamal

Monday, February 15, 2010

Nugget of Wisdom: Revealed in the Stretch

The traditional rubber band can seem small and unassuming, leaving one to ask, "How can this little thing be of any use?"  It seems like an appropriate question only until it is stretched, applying stress until it is pulled beyond its original dimensions.  What once was small in diameter augments exponentially, exposing more of its purpose and potential.

Much like a rubber band, your worth is discovered when you are stretched, not at rest.  Often, our first inclination is to think of stress as something negative, but when we are stretched our true potential is unveiled.  A life with no stress or "stretch" is one where you continue to operate limited by the familiarity of where you are, hindering your ability to discover how far your purpose was meant to expand.  There are times for rest, but your potential is made known in the stretch.

Being stretched,

Byron Jamal

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Nugget of Wisdom: Don't Let Your Title Be Your Total

Throughout time God is called by many names: Creator, Lord, Yahweh, etc.  The reason for so many names is because God is so diverse.  That's why when Moses asked God who he should say sent him, God answered, "I am who I am...Tell the people that I AM has sent you" (Exodus 3:14).  God just is.  God is so divine there is no title that can fully capture all of God's nature or character.

We are a spiritual beings, connected to the eternal.  Like God, your divinity demands diversity, so don't let your title be your total.  Whether you are a doctor, pastor, artist or parent, never allow a label attached to you (whether positive or negative) to define you.  You are bigger than any one box or title to which you can ascribe.  There is more to you, but you will only limit your potential by settling for the titles that can't contain your total.

Just am,

Byron Jamal, CEO
The Call Path

Monday, February 1, 2010

Nugget of Wisdom: True Beauty is Sensed Not Seen

An elementary school principal notices that one of his 3rd grade students always brings an egg with a blue ring around it to school.  One day, the girl trips, drops the egg in the hallway and begins to cry.  When the principal finds out he goes to see about her.  He walks up to her and asks, "Why are you crying so hard?  You only dropped an egg?"  Between her sobs she replies, "I’m not crying because I dropped it.  I’m crying because I didn’t know it was rotten inside.”

Many of us are easily smitten by things that are perceived as externally beautiful.  We can end up like this girl, carefully carrying fragile eggs that are rotten inside.  We are enticed by the exterior and pray the interior can live up to the standard.  When it doesn't, we realize we have a beautiful rotten egg.  Be more anxious to take someone who loves than someone lovely, someone who expresses beauty than someone who is solely beautiful.  True beauty cannot be scanned with eyes; it must be sensed with the heart.

Sensing beauty,

Byron Jamal

Friday, January 29, 2010

Nugget of Wisdom: Seeing Beyond Conditions

The Bible is littered with stories about people who have conditions: the adulterous woman, the leprous men, the paralytic, the beggar, and the adulterous woman. We know none of these people's names. This is often how we treat other people, based on their condition not their name (purpose or true worth/identity).

You can take assurance in this truth: Yes! God sees your condition, but God knows you by your name not your condition. While people are often quick to judge you based on what is seen, God sees but handles you based on what God knows of what you are and will be. What would happen if we thought more like God and allowed our love for the person to override our judgment of the person's plight? Live knowing that God knows your name!

Seeing beyond sight,

Byron Jamal

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Are You Listening with Kirk Franklin & Friends Haiti Relief Song

This song was recording at the 2010 Stellar Awards as a reaction to the disastrous effects of the earthquake in Haiti.  Kirk Franklin stood up during the BMI Trailblazer's Award and urged all the Gospel artists to come together and support Haiti with a song that assisted Haiti's rebuilding process.  This song was recorded, produced and released in just a little over a week.  Enjoy, and continue to pray for Haiti!

You can donate at

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

NH teacher, 100, Gets Degree a Day Before Dying

The story that follows should inspire and motivate anyone who feels like it might be too late to achieve a lifelong goal.  The truth is that the main force that is holding you back is YOU!  So get out of your way!

CONCORD, N.H. – It was Harriet Richardson Ames' dream to earn her bachelor's degree in education. She finally reached that milestone, nearly three weeks after achieving another: her 100th birthday.
On Saturday, the day after receiving her diploma at her bedside, the retired schoolteacher died, pleased that she had accomplished her goal, her daughter said. Ames had been in hospice care.
"She had what I call a 'bucket list,' and that was the last thing on it," Marjorie Carpenter said Tuesday.
Ames, who turned 100 on Jan. 2, had earned a two-year teaching certificate in 1931 at Keene Normal School, now Keene State College. She taught in a one-room schoolhouse in South Newbury, and later spent 20 years as a teaching principal at Memorial School in Pittsfield, where she taught first-graders.
Through the years, she had taken classes at the University of New Hampshire, Plymouth Teachers College and Keene State to earn credits for her degree. With her eyesight failing, she stopped after retiring in 1971 and was never sure if she had enough credits.
Her wish for a degree became known when a Keene State film professor interviewed her a couple of years ago for a piece on the college's own centennial, which the school celebrated last year.
The school decided to research her coursework and see if it could award Ames her long-sought diploma. The offices of the provost, registrar and other departments worked quickly in the last month to determine, that indeed, it could.
"She wanted to be the best that she could be," said Norma Walker, coordinator of the Keene State College Golden Circle Society, an alumni group for classes that graduated 50 or more years ago.
Walker said when she mentioned to Ames during a recent visit that the college was working on the degree, Ames started to cry and said, "'If I die tomorrow, I'll know I'll die happy, because my degree's in the works.'"
College officials, including Walker, drove the document to Ames' bedside on Friday.
Walker, who first met Ames in 1997 at an alumni gathering, said she enjoyed listening to her talk about her students and how she encouraged them to read.
"She's the kind of person that every parent would want their first-graders to have as a teacher," very loving and caring, Walker said. She will read Ames' diploma at a memorial service this Saturday, "if I can do it without crying."
Paula Finnegan Dickinson of Gilford, who was Ames' student back in 1956 and became an educator herself, regarded her as a mentor and dear friend.
"Mrs. Ames, along with Dick, Jane, Sally, Spot and Puff, became our friend," Dickinson said, recalling the "Dick and Jane" series that was used in class reading groups. "With her enthusiasm, these characters came to life. ... Mrs. Ames showed us how reading opened the doors to other experiences we in Pittsfield might never have known."

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nugget of Wisdom: Taxi Before Takeoff

I remember boarding a plane one day and waiting for it to take off at its appointed time.  Time is approaching, but we still aren't leaving. Finally, the captain tells the passengers, "Sorry for the delay.  We are getting ready for takeoff."  However, we don't just takeoff then; we taxi to the runway first.

Your destiny can be much like a plane ride, taxi before takeoff.  We feel like once all of the obstacles and hindrances are moved out of the way, we should be able to just take off into the heights of our purpose.  However, life is rarely like that.  For most of us, we still require transition time from where we boarded or gained understanding of our purpose and actually takeoff into it.  Don’t be so impatient to get off the ground that you takeoff before you taxi.  You could end up doing more damage to your destiny than just being delayed.

Preparing for Takeoff,

Byron Jamal

Friday, January 22, 2010

Live On Purpose, With Purpose

A glass of water is sitting on a counter. You see it. It's just there minding its own business. You slide your hand across the top of the surface and knock the glass on to the floor, shattering it into sharp shiny pieces, spilling its contents. Someone standing across the room observes the whole thing. You look up at this person who is staring at you like you have lost your mind. They ask you, "why did you do that?" Your reply, "It was an accident."
Sounds kind of silly, right? How do you accidentally take aim on an object and using force, knock it over and then say it was an accident? It's safe to assume that to most rational thinking people, this would not be considered an accident, but intentionally done...on purpose.

What can be deemed as most valuable and precious in this life, does not happen nor is it sustained by accident or wishful thinking. If you have a good relationship, a prosperous business, or good grades in school, it's not simply due to a string of good luck. It's because you made a decision to be successful in that particular area of life. In a recent discussion I had with a friend about where he was in life, he talked about how his whole existence has been filled with obstacles, disappointments, and heart ache, and he felt a sense of despair, not really knowing what to do. My response to him was that if he was beat down by the cares of life, he needed to make a decision if he was going to stay down because of it, or if he was going to get up in spite of it. 

Have you ever seen someone trip and stand? The truth is, anyone can fall, but NO ONE accidently gets up. What things do you say and do, on purpose? Perhaps, the better question is , what things do you say and do with purpose? There are things we all do that are planned and calculated, but too often the words we've spoken, or the actions we've taken have been on purpose, but not with purpose.
Let 2010 be the year you are productive (yielding fruit), not just busy.

What company exists with a mission to just be busy... to have alot of traffic in their store, alot of shoppers on their aisles, and no one buying anything? How long can they stay in business? If you are going to go through the trouble of making an effort, AIM at something that matters! We can all be ensared with the trap of busy work, but this isn't the year to carelessly exert time and energy, or invest in things that will not produce anything. One element of life that is faithful if nothing else is, is TIME. It doesn't matter what happens to you today, however tragic or wonderful, the saying is so true, "Time Waits For No Man." Time will keep trucking even when your will or desire breaks down.  
This year, The Call Path makes a promise to you to be instrumental in inspiring you, not only by  showcasing individuals who are living in their purpose, but also having important discussions with you about yours. 

Anthony Edward

Nugget of Wisdom: What is True Love

In order for newborn baby birds to eat, their mother will eat some food and regurgitate it into their mouth.  When they get a little older, she will bring them whole food.  She takes out of her own mouth something that she could use for her own sustenance and gives it to the ones she loves. 

Many of us look for love in what is given, but true love is in what is given up.  It's not in the gift; it's in the sacrifice.  Love is shown when we can take from our own mouths and feed others so they can grow and develop, remembering that someone once had to feed us too.  Anyone can give a gift, but love is validated by a gift that has greater worth than the price tag.

Sacrificing Love,

Byron Jamal

Thursday, January 21, 2010

STANDOUT Style for the New Year

So it’s a happy new year and hopefully a happy new YOU! We’re stepping into a new year and a new decade – exciting!  I personally don’t make New Year’s resolutions because I forget what they are by Feb 1st. Instead I continue to focus on enhancing myself in every way, mainly internal attributes, but also my goals and of COURSE finding new ways to consistently revamp my style.

I’m going to share with you some not-so-secret tips to help develop the ‘standout’ style and image you’ve always desired or maybe have but want to continue improving: Get rid of every ill-fitting article of clothing you have in your closet! Be it your favorite vintage tee, too short, suffocating nightlife dress (ladies), spandex shirts (men), old, unstructured shoes, tattered belts, oversized jackets and coats etc.  Nothing is less flattering than being garbed in what appears VERY uncomfortable, no matter how “cute” you think you look.  

Gentlemen, have your clothes tailored for your size and build, especially suits and high quality dress shirts. Nothing is more flattering when YOU wear the suit, not the other way around. This can be used for office environments and for casual, dressed down suits. Try wearing your new well- fitting suit and tie with a tee or nice sweater and maybe some stylish sneakers. 

Ladies, on the same note you want to adorn yourself in garments that flatter and enhance your physique, not expose it. You should also invest in tailored suits – every woman is not built the same so it’s important to accentuate your form properly. You want to appear confident in your being and appearance, not as if your appearance is blatantly begging “PLEASE STARE AT ME!” Stay away from trends!  Ok well maybe not all of them but don’t try all of them! Everything you see on television and in magazines isn’t made for you simply because it’s the hottest new look. Know your body and frame and what highlights them.  Tip: Transform a trend to work for you! For example skinny jeans on men. If you aren’t skinny or don’t have the build for skinny leg jeans, try straight leg jeans cuffed or un-cuffed. Paired with a well fit top you’ll achieve the slim and fresh-fashion look. For ladies, if you’re into the tights and cigarette pant look, the same look can be achieved with various new washes of denim and heavier materials instead of Lycra and spandex. Or compliment them with chic sweater, jacket or dress.

 Finally, an almost fail proof way to give you that “brand new” appeal is to infuse new styles and looks into your wardrobe. As we age, many of us get set into a certain look that becomes expected of us and is frankly a bit bland. Tip: SHAKE THINGS UP! Try new colors, new suit/dress styles, infuse hats and accessories, different styles of shoes, and even new layering techniques. And invest in quality statement pieces, such as an exquisitely crafted timepiece, luxuriously made shoes (that DO last longer), or even a fine overcoat that fits you quite nicely. Remember, you usually get what you pay for!

The most important thing is to be honest with yourself and be sure that you shine within because that’s where  true happiness emanates from. Wear what truly enhances your appearance and personality and makes you feel like a million bucks and more importantly, what makes you smile.

Kenny Hibbler, Contributing Writer

Rebrand Yourself

Did you know that YOU are a BRAND? Yes, you are a brand. Your ideas, your beliefs, your morals, your behaviors, and even your appearance make up your own "Personal Brand". Given that, what type of brand would you consider yourself? Would you be considered Old Spice, or some expensive sounding Eau de Toilette? Would you measure up to be a Five-Star or a Less-Than-a-Star brand?

ON CALL: Our Path Has Crossed Again, Could It Be Fate?

I ran into someone who I shared very intense and romantic feelings with a number of years back. After a little catching up, it was clear that both of us still seemed to have some type of chemistry for the other. Since then, we've spoken and seen each other from time to time, but had agreed to take things slow and see where they went. Well recently, for no apparent reason, this person just drops off the face of the Earth and will not respond to my texts, return my calls, deleted me from their Facebook... I was left trying to figure out what happened, what did I do wrong. About a week later, this person calls and says they are sorry and needed some time to clear their minds but they are cool now. No explanation was given, but they seemed ready to proceed like business as usual. I will admit that I was relieved to hear from this individual because I honestly felt like perhaps it was meant for us to reconnect at this particular space in time. Yet even in my excitement, there is this nagging feeling about the way they just kind of flaked out like that. Is it something I bring up, ignore? Do I proceed, leave them alone???? Please help!

 Is This Meant to Be?     

 Chicago, IL 

New Year, New You

“Don’t worry about anything: instead, pray about everything. Tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank him for his answers. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7 TLB).

I heard a story about Thomas A. Edison. On a cold winter night, his factory, which housed all of his dreams and practical realities, burned. Everything was destroyed. His records, blueprints, formulas and notes lay in ashes.The 67-year-old inventor stood and watched everything he had ever worked for go up in flames. The next morning he looked at the ruins and said there was value in disaster because all the mistakes were burned up. Then he thanked God he could begin anew.

Health & Wellness: Positive Thinking, Healthy Living

One of the most important keys to success in life is understanding the power of our thoughts.  While the old saying, "we are what we eat" may hold some truth, it can also be said that we certainly are what we think. Our thoughts have a great effect on us even though they may never be shared or expressed. What we think, affects our emotions, attitudes and behavior, and ultimately the way we live our lives.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Nugget of Wisdom: God Is In Your Process

Have you ever washed some filthy clothes?  Standing at the washer with the detergent in your hands, maybe you were like me, wondering: "How could a little of this clean all of these clothes?"  As the machine fills with water and begins to spin, the detergent activates and expands, covering everything to make it better than before.

God is much like detergent.  God may not be the author of confusion, but God can still work in the midst of it.  God doesn't make you dirty, but God knows how to work in the midst of your dirt to make you clean in the process.  You may be stuck in a desperate, doubtful or distressing situation; however, just remember God's power to expand and cover, to step into any storm and command "Peace."

In the process,

Byron Jamal

Friday, January 15, 2010

Nugget of Wisdom: In Pursuit of Pressure

As I was driving up a mountain, I began to feel pressure on my ears.  The higher I went the more pressure that was applied.  The pressure was an indication that I was moving to a higher elevation and it was time to adjust.  The pressure caused me discomfort and limited my hearing.  So, if I was going to keep progressing up the mountain, I had two choices: adjust to relieve the pressure or ignore it and bring my old self to a new place (with the pain attached).

Too often we see the pressures of life as an attack.  The truth is that pressure isn’t an attack; it’s a byproduct of progression.  Pressure informs you that you aren't just moving forward, but you are moving upward.  It can seem like an attack, because pressure limits your potential until you make the proper adjustments.  However, those adjustments are really enhancements to enable you to succeed at the new level you have attained.  Don't let pressure push you away from your higher purpose.  Let it be the fuel that keeps you pressing ahead, knowing it's a sign that you are going in the right direction.  As you mature, you will start looking for pressure as a confirmation of your call.

Celebrating Life's Pressures,

Byron Jamal, CEO
The Call Path

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Presentation Tips

While what you say is very important, most often it’s the non-verbal cues you give that will determine how the audience responds to your presentation.  Your body language, the subtle movements and gestures you make as you speak, is crucial.  The right body language can help you build a rapport with your audience, and add impact to your content.  But, the wrong body language can make your presentation less effective.

Here are a few important tips to keep in mind whenever you’re giving a presentation:

1. Keep Your Eyes on the Audience
Nothing conveys confidence and authority more than direct eye contact.  Failure to look at the people you’re presenting to may give the impression that you’re insecure, or even worse, dishonest.  What’s the key to maintaining eye contact throughout your presentation?  Preparation!  Know your content well, so you can look at your audience instead of your notes or slides.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Nugget of Wisdom: Growing Up vs. Out

Tom Hanks' movie, "Big," features a boy who uses a magic wish machine to wish himself bigger.  When he wakes up the next morning, he finds that he is now an adult.  The problem is that wish didn't enhance him mentally when it augmented his physical body.  So, he is simply a child in an adult body.

Have you ever wished that you were bigger, that you were further along the path towards your destiny?  Maybe you are seeking swift advancements, hoping to bypass steps on your path.  You want to avoid the growing pains and awkward phases of your path's adolescence.  However, life soon teaches that fast growth isn't the same as maturity.  Your true concern should be about growing up not out.  Don't become a child in an adult purpose.  Appreciate the stages of development.  Each one makes you stronger and wiser, ultimately preparing you for the greater purpose that is to come.

Growing in Purpose,
Byron Jamal

Monday, January 11, 2010

Nugget of Wisdom: For Love, I Surrender

When two opposing forces are in battle, there will come a point when the side that is apparently losing has the choice to keep fighting towards death or surrender and live. The ones who choose to die will do so because of honor and love (of country, family, etc.). Those that choose to live will do so because they love living.

Love and surrender are two sides of the same coin; whatever you love you will surrender for. Many of us look for displays of love in what is given, but a true showcase of love is in what is given up. Love makes you willing to surrender all, even if all is your life. How much are you willing to give up for what you love (person, place, thing or idea/dream/vision)?

Fully surrendered,
Byron Jamal

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Higher Than This - Ledisi

This is Ledisi's song, "Higher Than This," a song that stresses there is no love higher than God's. We can move on our Call Path in Love, because we are always recipients of love--God's. Enjoy the two (2) parts listed below. I hope they encourage and empower you to move ahead with great joy.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Nugget of Wisdom: Free From History

Slavery is not just physically oppressive, but it creates a mental shackle as well.  Every slave that is bound sees the physical restraint, which sets both physical and psychological limiations on their potential.  Few slaves refuse to allow their shackles to shackle their hope, will and expectation. Slaves that escape their masters and start new lives are considered runaways.

Have you runaway yet?  Have you escaped whatever is in your past?  This freedom is not just the physical kind, but it also requires you to be free mentally from what had you bound.  You can't start a new life until you're fully free from your old one.  Before you can start making history you must be free from it.  Your greatness is just waiting on you to shake loose the shackles of your past and progress ahead with faith and not fear.

Living Free,
Byron Jamal

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Nugget of Wisdom: When to Reset

The only time an alarm clock should be blinking is when it has recently lost power. Any other time, its lighted numbers stay static and unaltered. Though you can still see the numbers if the clock is blinking, it probably needs to be reset, because the time displayed is wrong.

If you have experienced something that has jolted your entire world, then you know what it means to lose power. No matter how long you are disconnected, power loss requires that you take time to reset. It may have only been a flicker, but when the power comes back on, when you gain your footing again, if you don't take time to reset, there will be this blinking essence coming from you that is apparent to everyone but you. It will say to the world: "I've recently been disconnected from my power source."

You might have finished last year blinking, but take the time to heal in 2010. Reset those emotions of doubt, pain, anger and bitterness. Don't deceive yourself into thinking all is well. Just as you reset a clock by comparing it to a more accurate clock, you must align yourself with others who can serve as a comparison to help you reset in the New Year.

Helping You Reset,

Byron Jamal

Saturday, January 2, 2010


We are so excited to announce and present our new CALL PATH website! This is just one of the many wonderful things that you can expect from The Call Path in 2010. Visit often to keep up on all the different projects, announcements, and upcoming events.