Positive Thinking and its Effects on the Body
A change in our mindset and way of thinking can benefit our overall health and well being. That's right, by creating a more positive way of thinking, we can greatly improve our health. Here are just a few ways having a positive mental attitude brings about positive effects in your body:
- fewer headaches
- reduced stress
- lower blood pressure
- reduced anxiety
- healthier weight
When you create a more positive way of thinking, you may instantly begin to notice a decrease in headaches. This is because headaches are often brought on due to extremely high amounts of stress and pressure. When we have a more positive mindset, we will worry less, which means less stress.
Stress is one of the leading causes of anxiety and panic attacks. Once you start to get your stress levels under control, you should notice a reduction of the level of anxiety you experience and potentially eliminate panic attacks all together.
Positive thinking can help reduce your blood pressure as well. What is the first thing that happens when you get angry? Your blood pressure rises! By practicing positive thinking, you can learn how to release that anger and frustration. Battling the bulge? Did you know that positive thinking can have a great impact on your weight as well? Most people with weight issues also tend to suffer from low-self esteem, most of which is brought on by their own negative thoughts.
Positive thinking really is a choice and once you experience a level of mastery in this area, you’ll even find your words to be more positive and affirming as you release them into the atmosphere. There is power in your thought life (for good or bad) Harnessing that power for good will develop creativity, prosperity and healing. We all have many thoughts that swim through the sea of our minds. While you can't do much about what passes through it, just be sure that the thoughts that you do capture and keep are the ones that feed healthy and happy living, because those will be the thoughts you eat.Kira Buckley, Contributing Writer
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