My Greatest Challenge
The biggest challenge I overcome is killing myself daily. The sinful nature in me is trying to kill my destiny as a new creature in Christ. Since the old me won’t just go away, I must crucify him daily. If there are 6 million ways to die, I am willing to try them all to live my life the way it was intended. Isaiah 54:17 assures us that no weapon formed against us will prosper and that the slanderous words and evil plots of our enemies will not prevail against us. I have authority in Christ Jesus! No enemy can take my authority away and no external forces can come get it; only the sinful nature that I haven’t pinned to the cross can disqualify me from receiving God’s promises.
Sources of Inspiration
My father, Charles Edward Ross, is a great inspiration to me. This man is an endless source of wisdom. I am grateful for my mother, Maxine Ross, and her prayer life. She had both knees surgically replaced as a direct result of the amount of time she has spent in prayer over the years. Her prayers kept guns that were pointed in my face from being fired, helped break the silence of molestation and an addiction to pornography, and has served as midwife to birthing me into the ministry that God has called me to. What I admire about my pastor, Bishop T.D. Jakes, is his ability to take risks. Once he hears God, he exercises such tremendous faith and gets results. I don’t have it like that yet. Maybe when I grow up, I will ask for it.
Lastly, Jack Hayford has lived a life that I gain so much encouragement and inspiration from. Once the pastor of the largest 4 Square Church denomination and the former chancellor of a renowned bible college, Hayford, now in his 70’s, is still a pastor of pastors. Approximately 8 months of every year, ministry leaders from all over the world fly to his home for 5 days to be mentored, taught and served. His life exemplifies what it means to maximize the most of each season in ministry, while remaining effective in each phase.
Words To Live By
One passage of scriptures that I live by is Romans 8: 11-13 NLT
The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as he raised Christ from the dead, he will give life to your mortal body by this same Spirit living within you. So, dear brothers and sisters, you have no obligation whatsoever to do what your sinful nature urges you to do. For if you keep on following it, you will perish. But if through the power of the Holy Spirit you turn from it and its evil deeds, you will live.
How I Use My Gifts to Serve Others
Most people tend to focus on the miracles and manifestations of healing in Jesus’ ministry, but it’s often overlooked that scripture tells us that Jesus also went about doing good. I use the gifts and provisions that I have been blessed with to do just that. Many times, by simply doing good, people are able to see Christ more clearly than when we are preaching or teaching. I look for ways to be a blessing to others, from generously tipping servers, to calling and paying for a locksmith for a neighbor.
How I Stay on Track
I stay focused on my purpose by keeping the main thing the “main thing.” I’m called to communicate the gospel so I am always working on that. I spend most of my time strengthening my strengths vs. my weaknesses. I read the bible and work on perfecting the art of communication a lot. I read books and publications that use great imagery so that when I am speaking, I am able to paint a more vivid picture to my audience. I am also very careful about what engagements and offers I accept, understanding that just because I am capable or even proficient in doing a thing, doesn’t mean that it automatically furthers or helps me fulfill my God given purpose.
May I Have Your Attention Please
If I could communicate a message to a large audience, I would address it to all believers and followers of Christ.
“Stop trying to live right because you can’t. God never called you to live right; he called you to die right and allow Him to live right in you.”
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